Mogul type (2-6-0) engine #1727 was donated by Southern Pacific to the City of Dunsmuir in 1957.
It underwent some restoration in the 1980s under the auspices of local resident Bruce Petty. Thereafter, it remained nestled under trees and encroaching vegetation on Dunsmuir Ave at the entrance to the Dunsmuir Botanical Gardens progressively deteriorating inside a chicken wire enclosure (see the three photos at the end of this page). From this relatively exposed site, thieves made off with the marker lights, most of the brass in the cab and the whistle.
Following Bruce Petty's death in 2019, however, a group of dedicated local volunteers began fund-raising for its restoration, and I'm very happy to show the results of their work on this page.
A core group of five or six individuals worked on the engine and the double-mount lower quadrant semaphore.They began by tearing down the old fencing and clearing the site. A commercial painting company was hired to clean and paint the engine basic black while the indicators, lights and other fittings were removed and rehabbed off site.