#3417 is one of fifty 3400 Class Pacific type (4-6-2)
locomotives built for the Santa Fe by the Baldwin
Locomotive Works between 1919 and 1924.
The locomotive was retired in 1954 and donated to the City of Cleburne, TX, in 1955. It was acquired by the Fort Worth
& Western in 1990, but was never moved and later returned
to the city. There was also talk of restoring #3417 to
operation around 2000, but this appears to have come to nothing. On display in Hulen Park, unfortunately, when we visited, it was draped in Xmas lights, even though it was then mid-Summer.
Designed by John Purcell, who became the AT&SF's head
of motive power in 1912, the 3400s were the last Pacifics bought by the Santa Fe. Purcell brought an end to a period
of experimentation by the AT&SF during the early years of the 20th century, which included balanced compounds, "Vauclain accordion flexible smoke box" 2-6-6-2s with
hinged boilers, articulated 4-4-6-2s and even ten 2-10-10-2s. Under Purcell, the Santa Fe started buying large groups of simple, two cylinder locomotives, such as the 4-6-2, 2-8-2
and 2-10-2.