The Boone & Scenic Valley Railroad is headquartered in Boone, IA. The tourist railroad was started in 1983 by a group of volunteers who wanted to preserve a section of the former Fort Dodge, Des Moines & Southern Railroad.
The first section of track that was to become the FDDM&S started in Fraser, IA, in 1893. Fraser was the centre of newly-discovered coal deposits, and transportation was needed to move the coal. A line was built west from Fraser to connect with the Minneapolis & St. Louis Railway at what is now called Wolf.
The FDDM&S was incorporated in 1906, and the track was electrified in 1907. It was the longest interurban in Iowa and, at its height, interurban trains operated on an hourly basis. As automobile traffic increased, the passenger service was cut back, although the freight business continued to do well. In 1954, after flooding damaged the Fraser power plant that provided electricity to the line, the railroad turned to diesel motive power. The interurban cars made their last trips in August 1955, the electric lines were removed and diesel engines took over handling the freight business.